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    Company Information

    About Us

    Mission Statement

    Our Commitment

    Current Solutions

    ABC Connect’s Revolution

    About Us
    Advanced Bureau Communications is a distributor of next generation Network Telephony solutions. Our solutions are designed to provide the customer with the most reliable, fully featured, and cost effective communications product on the market. By using known, reliable technology, in new patent pending architecture and by utilizing the best of ethernet based networking and Internet based protocols, we have developed solutions that take advantage of all the latest developments available today, and for tomorrow.

    Reliability, Reliability, Reliability

    Our systems 3 most important features!

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    Mission Statement
    Our Commitment to our customers is our first priority. The foundation of this Commitment starts with the highest level of integrity and teamwork throughout the corporation and our strategic alliances. Our Commitment calls on us to always maintain innovative usage of our creativity and technology to maximize our customers’ satisfaction in reliability, capability, and ease of use of our products. Maintaining a synergistic relationship within our industry that always upholds our customers’ best short and long term interests is of the utmost importance in this Commitment.

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    Our Commitment
    Advanced Bureau Communications distributes a computer integrated telephone system based on a new architecture using the best of all current technologies that, finally, puts the customer first! Reliability is our principal feature. Simplicity and ease of use while providing all the capabilities found in the most powerful systems available is how we continue to keep the customer first.

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    Current Solutions
    Connections!, the Phone System
    Connections!, the VoIP Gateway
    Connections!, the Predictive Robo Dialer (soon)
    Currently, if you are in the market for a telephone system you can look at \Centrex type trunk lines provided by your local telephone services provider. These are simple to install and have many features but can become costly as your company starts to grow but does not have many of the computer telephony features found in larger systems. Key Telephone Systems may be your first step towards a phone system with many features that is cost competitive for your growing needs. As you open more offices, you will need the capabilities of larger companies and you will have to get new PBX sized phone systems. If you want Call Center features and capabilities you will have to add computer telephony options and additional equipment.

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    The ABC Connect Revolution
    Evolutionary patent pending technology developed by Advanced Network Telephony (aNT) now allows all the features and capabilities of the largest computer telephony powered PBX’s combined with Centrex simplicity and Key Telephone system pricing sensibility. By using Internet powered Network Telephony (NT) technology over standard ethernet based Local Area Networks, all of today’s Voice over Internet Packet (VoIP), and PC Integration (PCI), capabilities are now available, as well as whatever tomorrow may bring!

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